
"Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food” 

What led me here?  Loaded question, right?!
To start at the beginning, my parents. They did so much right for me and my 8 siblings; yes, 8!  Fruits and vegetables were so important. While everyone else in the cafeteria got to eat their sandwiches on Wonder Bread, I had whole grain or seeded bread.  Exercise was important and we were all expected to play sports. There was also the sign of times though, with processed foods becoming more prevalent (we all had a major sweet tooth!) to the point that it was hard to get away from! Video games and tv were also time eaters instead of going outside.

When I was 13, very unexpectedly, my mother passed away. My father was in shock and did not want an autopsy performed so we don’t know the exact cause of death but I can tell you she carried weight around her chest and belly.  She always took take care of us but I am sure having 9 children and all the nurturing, management and organization that goes along with a family of our size must have been exhausting.  She did not take much time for herself or her health which I believe led to her early death at age 58. 

My father, an amazing athlete, lived a great life until he was 84, then had a stroke that left him paralyzed on his left side. The last 4 years, he was in a nursing home, needing care. His large, athletic frame made him an “assist +2”, meaning it took 2 aides and a machine to get him out of bed into his wheelchair.  While he always maintained his pleasant attitude and sense of humor, his body was failing him.

When I think back on all this, it is not surprising I am where I am. These two wonderful people nurtured me but now are no longer here.   How can I honor them?  

This is how I slowly and steadily became more interested in wellness which for me means overall health through nutrition, movement and mindfulness. I believe these three elements go hand in hand to help us lead full and happy lives.  

I have always been healthy by medical standards but it doesn’t mean I have always felt well. Tired, overwhelmed and unmotivated-maybe general malaise is the best term for this.  I didn’t think medication was the answer, but what was? I trained and became a barre instructor through Native Barre Studios. That was a start. I learned how the body functioned.  I felt more purpose, became stronger and had larger sense of community. That felt good! 

 What else could I do? As a family, we started trying to eat more locally, purchasing shares of cow and pig meat directly from local farms. Going to a local butcher for other meats I couldn’t get otherwise and were sourced from local farms. Receiving eggs from a friend who’s chickens were living their best lives: free-ranging on their property all day. That made me feel very good.  Partially because I was purchasing from local businesses but also because the food I was consuming was better for me. It was fresh, antibiotic and pesticide free and most importantly delicious! A desire to learn more about wellness inspired me to enroll in the Nutritional Therapy Association’s Function Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP) course.  Now I am a certified FNTP.

Through my experience, I have learned that wellness is a journey and not a destination. That is important to keep in mind. We are ever evolving beings and what may have made you feel good in your 20s, doesn’t make you feel so good anymore. What makes you feel good in the cold, winter months, may not work in the summer. This is ALL OK! This actually makes sense, because we are living beings so let’s work with that and respect it.

My purpose is to help and guide you on YOUR journey to wellness (remember: overall health through nutrition and movement and mindfulness); it is YOUR path to wellness we have to blaze, not mine. My goal is to find what works for your bio-individual needs so you too, feel well!


One-on-One In Person Sessions

In-person sessions have the benefit of including the Functional Clinical Assessment (FCA)-a series of palpations and assessments to gain further insight as to where your body needs nutritional support.

One-on-One Video Call Session

I can work with individuals through video call without sacrificing the quality of service I provide to guide you through the process of improved wellness.

Restart® Program 

This is a 5 week program that includes at 21 day sugar detox. This is a small group format (online or in-person) that provides a built-in support group. You will learn how to use REAL FOOD to boost your energy, reduce inflammation and get rid of sugar and carb cravings.

Let's Talk

The first step is talking. Let's find a time where we can meet and talk about how I can help you.
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